Create a healthy Workplace

Create a Healthy Workplace Creating a healthy lifestyle at home is, or often could and should, be a priority. Taking time every day to move your body, drink plenty of water, take moments for relaxation, and eating healthy, whole foods can give more energy, increase health for ourselves and our family, and just gives a … Read more


Reentry. Overcoming the pains of returning from Retreat.   I woke up this morning, not to the sound of monkeys and the light of sunrise, but to the glow of the television and the saddened tones of newscasters discussing the most recent mishandling of our democracy. I woke up this morning, and instead of sitting … Read more

7 Reasons to do Yin Yoga

By: Jessica Proulx Yin Yoga is one of those “things” in the yoga practice that my students are always afraid to try. As soon as you explain it as a “practice of long holding of gentle expressions of postures” they give you the look, and you know you have just turned them off. But how … Read more